Congrats! You have taken the first step to get clear on your message
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Are you a coach who feels drawn to serve but still struggling to attract the right clients to your coaching practice?
Do you feel frustrated because the training programmes are working for other coaches – but you can’t get them to work for you?
Are you constantly searching for the missing piece of the puzzle?
Then ask yourself, why is that? Why is it that some coaches are crushing it, while others are finding it difficult to express the value of the unique solution they bring, and to connect to the specific community they have come to serve.
Are you ready to find out the real reason why you are struggling to connect with clients?
The truth is that there’s nothing wrong with you, and your lack of clients doesn’t mean that you are a bad coach or that coaching is not for you.
But, in my experience, there is only ONE THING that separates successful ‘coaches with clients’ from ‘coaches without’ – and the sad fact is that so many coaches and coaching mentors are overlooking this.
Why is it that some coaches seem to effortlessly attract a steady flow of hungry clients, while others seem stuck at the starting gate –unable to reach, or even resonate, with their target audience?
I’m Enrico Massani. As an Internet Marketer and a Niche Coach, I work alongside coaches who are promoting their services online.
I am always amazed at how some coaches can apply the online marketing techniques and build powerful connections with their ideal clients, while others, applying the exact same techniques, hardly attract any clients to the valuable service they offer.
In coaching there is hardly any middle ground – it’s either Feast or Famine!
Ever wondered why that is?
Well, the answer might surprise you!
This puzzled me, until I realized that the coaches who were clear on their niche were very successful, while those who were not clear on their niche were not.
If you are a heart-centred coach, it doesn’t really matter how much time you spend training, advertising and promoting your business, if you are not functioning from your heart – the core of who you are – your message will not resonate with your ideal clients.
This step is so important, and yet so many training programmes overlook it, choosing to focus on the HOW to set up your business, before you get clear on WHO you are, WHAT you offer and to WHOM.
WHO you are and WHAT you deliver and to WHOM are not optional extras!
You can’t just select a niche that seems to be working for others and apply it to your coaching practice, for the following, very good, reasons:
- Other people are not YOU!
- You will never truly resonate with a message that is not YOU, and, if it doesn’t resonate with you, it will not resonate with your clients.
- If your message is calculated in your mind and is out of alignment with what your heart wants to do, promoting that message will always feel like an uphill struggle.
- If you are not connected to your heart, you will not connect with the clients who are waiting for your message.
- Doubt is a signal from your heart to tell you that it is not onboard with what your mind is trying to achieve. When you are clear on your niche, you will KNOW.
Your coaching business is the vehicle for your unique message.
Your unique message is the fuel on which your business will operate.
Even if the vehicle is basic, with a rusty bumper and a door missing, it will still operate on the right fuel.
However, even a Ferrari will not go far if you put the wrong fuel in the tank!
If you are a coach who is struggling to convince potential clients to hire you, I can almost guarantee that it is nothing to do with you or your ability as a coach, but everything to do with the fact that you have failed to get clear on your message- the right fuel- before building your coaching practice.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to go right back to the beginning and start from scratch! The time spent learning your craft and how to market your coaching practice has not been wasted, but your efforts will start to bear fruit only when you get clear on who you are and the unique message you bring and the identity of the select group of people you are called to serve.
You see, it doesn’t matter how well you build your brand, and your website, or how much time and money you invest in training and promotion, you will not attract the clients you want to work with, and they will not be willing to pay well for your services until you get clear on your niche.
So why are so many coaches skipping this crucial step? The answer is that they are actually resisting finding their niche! They are being sabotaged by their own mind into believing that ‘any niche will do’ and ‘if it works for someone else, it will work for me’.
If you have been trying to figure out your niche in your head, you may have tried to piece together your past experience or your passions or what you think is a profitable market. However, your head does not have the information you need – that’s why it’s so difficult –and why so many coaches are exhausted, drained and frustrated by the effort of trying to work it out in their mind!
You already have the information you need. But your mind doesn’t have that information. The key to knowing who you are, and the unique message you bring, is in your HEART.
Your heart knows your purpose; it has always known, but you have been trained to ignore your heart when it comes to finding your niche.
If you are a heart-centred coach and you are not connecting with your ideal clients, it will feel like your heart’s not in it.
Have you been told to date your niche or just ‘follow the money’? If so, how’s that working for you?
Are you enjoying a coaching practice that is built on who you are and your core values?
Or are you promoting someone else’s message?
Is it time to find out the real you and the unique message that you bring, in your own unique way, to the unique community waiting for your solution.
Are you ready to listen to your heart?
You may have heard coaching mentors telling you to ‘listen to your heart’ – but they just leave it there - what if you don’t know how to do that?
I work with coaches and consultants to get clear on their unique niche quickly. I show you the practical steps to take, to go beyond the resistance of your mind to reveal the message your heart has been trying to tell you.
If you have been struggling for months or even years to promote a message that doesn’t come from you –your highest value – I encourage you to work with me to get clear on that now.
The truth is not that ‘the doubt will disappear when you start to get clients’- but the truth is that ‘the clients will appear when you eliminate the doubt’.
I have unique intuitive abilities to go “deep” with clients quickly to uncover their “Why” and overcome limiting beliefs so they have clarity and feel lighter which helps them get results effortlessly and attract the right opportunities to fully systemize and operate their business in total alignment with their essence and goals.
I reconnect those who are lost or in pain to the joy of their hearts. My audience are messengers those that need to communicate their message.
Sign up for a free strategy session here.
During the session
We’ll work together to get crystal clear on your niche.
You will eliminate the doubts that are sabotaging your progress.
And you’ll leave the session feeling refreshed, relieved and unstoppable commitment to your true purpose.